Me : "Hey almira! As we know beside a student you are also one of member of OSIS PK, right? And i want to ask you some question that related to you and OSIS PK. May I ask you, Mir?"
Almira : "Hey sal! Oh yaa, sure."
Me : "So what is term to become a member of OSIS PK?"
Almira : "Actually kind of abstract, all right, but which must be "needed" and can complement each other : ))"
Me : "What position you in OSIS PK"
Almira : "I'm in second secretary"
Me :" Can you tell me some task in OSIS PK?"
Almira : "The task of technical are to be notulent when held a meeting : )) but as " dph " even more complex"
Me : "Did OSIS PK activities disturb activities of school?"
Almira : " It didn't, actually it didn't have any matter, because I'm the one that is not ambitious in learning (?)
Me : "Why did you choose OSIS PK than OSIS?"
Almira : "First, I was just looking for experience. but I pass the selection wkwk."
Me : " As long you are in OSIS PK, what is the most difficult task position?"
Almira : "The most difficult task is as "dph ""
Me: " In the pk is definitely a lot of activities right, well the activities of what you like best?
Almira: "Emmm ... actually there are a lot of interesting activities in OSIS PK : )) "
Me: " May i know any programs of Secretary?"
Almira: "To be notulent in the meeting, rupek (OSIS PK's room) make organigram, etc.
Me: "How long term you in OSIS PK?"
Almira: "Two years,sal wkwk"
Me: "And so, the last one, what is the most memorable moment in OSIS PK."
Almira: "Variety of people, cool : )), the thought of them critical best! They're like family :))) lavlav."
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